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Конкурс са међународно такмичење из Мађарске "Agrovirtus - first digital smart farming contest"

Europe’s first Digital Agribusiness and Smart Farming University Contest is here!

University teams can apply for Agrovirtus, Europe’s first digital smart farming contest, which attracts hundreds of university students year by year. Participating university teams respond to simulated challenges and make data driven decisions in virtual farms.

Most important paramters of this year’s Agrovirtus:

· Application deadline: 12 October 2021.
· Teams can consist of 3-4 university students
· Besides all that knowledge, teams can also win valuable prizes! The best team receives 3000 EUR, the runner-up 1500 EUR and the bronze medalist 1000 EUR.

More info: http://www.agrovirtus.eu
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