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024/628-144Број кабинета у Суботици: 344 021/485-2903Број кабинета на Одељењу у Новом Саду: 003
петак 09.00 - 11.00 Линк за консултације
Нови Сад
петак 09.00 - 11.00 Линк за консултације
Додатне информације
Основне студије
Универзитет у Новом Саду, Економски факултет у Суботици
Година завршетка: 2001.
Мастер/магистарске студије
Универзитет у Новом Саду, Економски факултет у Суботици
Година завршетка: 2007.
Докторске студије
Универзитет у Новом Саду, Економски факултет у Суботици
Година завршетка: 2014.
Тема дисертације: "Razvojna dimenzija upravljačke orijentacije malih preduzeća"
Радно искуство:
Економски факултет у Суботици
Година запослења: 2001.
Ужа научна област: Менаџмент

1. Leković, B., Marić, S. (2016). Psychological Climate in the Organization: A Determinant of Entrepreneurial Behavior. In: Ateljević, J., Trivić, J. (eds) Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies . Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-28856-7_10 M13

2. Leković, B., Marić, S. (2018). Dominant Motives of Entrepreneurial Behaviour in Transitional Countries. In: Ateljević, J., Budak, J. (eds) Entrepreneurship in Post-Communist Countries. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-75907-4_6 M13

3. Raković, L., Marić, S., Đorđević Milutinović, L., Sakal, M., & Antić, S. (2022). What about the Chief Digital Officer? A Literature Review. Sustainability, 14(8), 4696. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14084696 M22

4. Lekovic, B., Maric, S., & Lekovic, B. (2014). Characteristics of entrepreneurial activities in transitional countries and their influence on development. Engineering Economics, 25(1), 62-71. https://doi.org/10.5755/j01.ee.25.1.2885 M22

5. Marić, S., Berber, N., Slavić, A., & Aleksić, M. (2021). The Mediating Role of Employee Commitment in the Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Performance in Serbia. SAGE Open, 11(3), .https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440211037668 M23

6. Leković, B., Strugar Jelača, M., & Marić, S. (2019). Importance of innovative management practice: solution for challenges in business environment and performance in large organizations in Serbia. 22(4), pp. 68-83, ISSN 1212-3609 https://doi.org/10.15240/tul/001/2019-4-005 M23

7. Leković, B., & Marić, S. M. (2015). Measures of small business success/performance–importance, reliability and usability. Industrija, 43(2). https://doi.org/10.5937/industrija43-7209 M24

8. Leković, B., & Marić, S. (2016). The nature of corporate governance and performance in the conditions of ownership concentration. Industrija, 44(1), 45-61. https://doi.org/10.5937/industrija1-8473 M24

9. Stoiljković, A., & Marić S. (2021). Financing and Success/Performance of Small Businesses in Serbia. Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies, 26(3), 13., pp. 13-26, ISSN 2406-0658 https://doi.org 10.7595/management.fon.2020.0022 M24

10. Rodić, M., & Marić S. (2021). Leadership style and employee readiness: Basic factors of leadership efficiency. Strategic Management, 26(1), 53-65. ISSN 1821-3448, UDK: 005.21 https://doi.org/10.5937/StraMan2101053R M24

1. Effects of emotional intelligence of managers on the performance and sustainability of organizations ' financed by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia. Project Number: 142-451-2269/2021-01/02

2. Competitiveness and knowledge as carriers of the development of AP Vojvodina, Program of importance for science and technological development of AP Vojvodina, no. project: 114-451-2435 / 2011-01

3. Competitiveness and knowledge as carriers of the development of AP Vojvodina, Program of importance for science and technological development of AP Vojvodina, no. project: 114-451-2740 / 2012-01

4. Competitiveness and knowledge as carriers of the development of AP Vojvodina, Program of importance for science and technological development of AP Vojvodina, no. project: 114-451-3535 / 2013-01

5. Interdependence of economic efficiency and protection of work and environment in Vojvodina, Program of importance for science and technological development of AP Vojvodina, no. project: 114-451-02527 / 2010-01

6. Interdependence of economic efficiency and protection of work and environment in Vojvodina, Program of importance for science and technological development of AP Vojvodina, no. project: 114-451-00728 / 2009-01

7. Interdependence of economic efficiency and protection of work and environment in Vojvodina, Program of importance for science and technological development of AP Vojvodina, no. project: 114-451-00802 / 2008-01;

8. Feasibility Study 'Research Presuppositions of Sustainable Development' for the project: Innovative Concept of Economic Development Based on Ecologic Principles, Project No:04/SER01/10/006,

9. Tumbas, P., Sedlak, O., Bošnjak, S., Bošnjak, Z., Prokić, M., Marić, S.: Improving Mobility for Better Education Opportunities, Bilateralni projekat, br. projekta: HUSER0602/099, 2007 – 2008

10. Joint Master for southeas Europe in Economics and Management Science Program , TEMPUS, br. projekta: JEP41077-2006, 2007 – 2009

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