1. Kovačević, A., Grljević, O., Bošnjak, Z., Svilengaćin, G. (2020) The Liguistic Construction of Sentiment Expressions in Student Oppinionated Conten: A Corpus-Based Study. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, Poznań, Poland, 56(2), 207–249, doi: 10.1515/psicl-2020-0006 M24
2. Grljević, O., Bošnjak, Z., Kovačević, A. (2020): Opinion Mining in Higher Education: A Corpus-Based Approach, Enterprise Information Systems, DOI: 10.1080/17517575.2020.1773542 https://doi.org/10.1080/17517575.2020.1773542 M24
3. Grljević, O., Bošnjak, Z. (2019) Evaluating Customer Satisfaction through Online Reviews and Ratings, 3rd International Thematic Monograph – Thematic Proceedings Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, ISBN 978-86-80194-14-1, pp. 733-755, https://www.udekom.org.rs/uploads/4/7/0/4/47046595/grljevi%C4%87_bo%C5%A1njak_evaluating_customer_satisfaction__through_online_reviews_and_ratings_pp_733-754.pdf M14
4. Bošnjak, Z., Grljević, O., Bošnjak, S. (2019) Transforming Web Data Into Knowledge - Implications for Management, Economic Horizons, 2019, 21 (2), doi:10.5937/ekonhor1902177B, pp 177-194. M51
5. Grljević, O., Bošnjak, Z., Bošnjak, S. (2019) Contemporary Data Analysis Techniques for Online Reputation Management in Hospitality and Tourism, Facta Universitatis, Series: Economics and Organization, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2019, UDC 338.48:004.738.5, pp. 59 - 73. http://casopisi.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/FUEconOrg/article/view/4711/2967 M52
6. Grlјević O., Bošnjak Z. (2018). Sentiment Analysis of Customer Data. Strategic Management, International Journal of Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Stragtegic Management, 23(3), 38-49. ISSN 1821-3448.https://scindeks-clanci.ceon.rs/data/pdf/1821-3448/2018/1821-34481803038G.pdf M52
7. Бошњак, З., Грљевић, О., Димитријевић, М. (2018). Примена интелигентних технологија у високом образовању. Анали Економског факултета у Суботици, 54(39/2018), 291-303. ИССН 0350-2120. https://scindeks.ceon.rs/Article.aspx?artid=0350-21201839291B M51
8. Grljević O., Šereš L., Bošnjak Z., Bošnjak S., & Bogataj K. (2013). Energy Efficiency Improvement in Buildings by Introducing Innovative Information System. Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, An International Journal of Research and Innovation, 5(15), 1-13. ISSN: 1976-3700 http://www.tfzr.uns.ac.rs/aiit/old/archives/AIIT2013/Proceedings.pdf M23
9. Dimitrijević, M., Subić, N., & Bošnjak, Z. (2014). Improving the Interestingness of Web Usage Association Rules Containing Common Web Site Menu Items. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 2(1), 82-92. ISSN: 2325-4688. http://www.iiakm.org/ojakm/articles/2014/volume2_1/OJAKM_Volume2_1pp82-92.pdf M24
10. Dimitrijević, M., Bošnjak, Z. (2014) Pruning Statisticaly Insignificant Association Rules in the Presence of High-Confidence Rules in WebUsage Data“, KES2014 – 18th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, 15.-17.09.2014., Gdynia, Poland, Available on-line at www.sciencedirect.com, Procedia Computer Science (2013), ISSN: 1877-0509, ELSEVIER, http://www.journals.elsevier.com/procedia-computer-science ) M24
1. Joint Master for South-East Europe in Economics and Management Science Program, TEMPUS Joint European Project 41077 2006. Partners on the project: University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Economics Subotica; University of Udine, Department of Economic Sciences, Italy; The faculty of Economics of University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina; University of Agro economic Sciences Gembloux, Belgium; Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria; The Tibiscus University of Timisoara, Faculty of Economics, Timisoara, Romania; Faculty of Economics, Prilep, FYR Macedonia. 2006-2009, Adviser. http://www.fpn.bg.ac.rs/en/interdisciplinary-joint-master%E2%80%99s-programme-in-south-eastern-european-studies/
2. Play and Learn as Young European Entrepreneur - Project PLAYER, ENTR/CIP/09/E/N02S001, Grant Agreement nº 216, у мери: Entrepreneurial culture of young people, and Entrepreneurship education, који је расписала Европска komisija - EUROPEAN COMMISSION ENTERPRISE AND INDUSTRY DIRECTORATE-GENERAL. Економски факултет у Суботици је био партнер од септембра 2009. до маја 2010. http://player.utad.pt/
3. E-click, EUREKA пројекат - подршка и оптимизација пословних процеса у оквиру ланца снабдевања увођењем нових информационо-комуникационих технологија. 2010. Консултант за развој и коришћење интелигентних технологија
4. Мониторинг енергетске ефикасности у објектима крајњих корисника у реалном времену“ EUREKA пројекат eNergyMon 2011 – 2012, руководилац: ИСКРА системи, Словенија, Љубљана.
5. INTERFACE – Developing and setting up measures for initiating, enhancing and sustaining Higher-Education-Society Cooperation, TEMPUS Joint European Project No. 511224-TEMPUS-2010-AT-JPHES, October 2010 - October 2013, Type: Structural Measures - Governance Reform https://zentrum-weiterbildung.uni-graz.at/de/projekte/interface/
6. MASTS - Master Programme for Subject Teachers in Serbia, TEMPUS Joint European Project No. 511170-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPCR, October 2010 - April 2014, Type: Structural Measures - Governance Reform, http://www.dunp.np.ac.rs/en/master-programme-for-subject-teachers-in-serbia/
7. FUSE - Fostering University Support Services and Procedures for Full Participation in the European Higher Education Area, TEMPUS Joint European Project No. 544006-TEMPUS-1-2013-RS-TEMPUS-SMGR, 2013-2016, Type: Stđructural Measures - Governance Reform, 2013-2016 http://www.fuse.ni.ac.rs/
8. INCOMING - Interdisciplinary Curricula in Computing to Meet Labor Market Needs, TEMPUS Joint European project No. 530155-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-EE-TEMPUS-JPCR October 15, 2012-October 15, 2016 http://tempus-incoming.eu/
9. Компаративна предност интелигентних метода анализе података у јачању сектора малих и средњих предузећа, пројекат Покрајинског секретаријата за науку и технолошки развој АП Војводине, од маја 2008. до децембра 2010. - руководилац на пројекту: проф. др Зита Бошњак
10. Erasmus+ project, Advanced Data Analytics in Business – ADA, EACEA 598829-EPP-1-2018-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, 2019 -2022. https://www.ada.ac.rs/