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Најзначајније публикације на бази резултата CRANET пројекта

  1. Leković, B., & Štangl Šušnjar, G. (2009). Performanse, kompenzacije – zarade i beneficije u funkciji razvoja ljudskih resursa. XIV Internacionalni naučni skup SM 2009 Strategijski menadžment i sistemi podrške odlučivanju u strategijskom menadžmentu, Subotica-Palić: Ekonomski fakultet, Srbija, 21-22. Maj 2009. ISBN: 867233223-7.
  2. Leković, B., & Štangl Šušnjar, G. (2009). Performance-based pay in human resources development. Strategic Management, 14(3), 1-14.
  3. Leković, B., & Štangl Šušnjar, G. (2010). Učenje - obuka i razvoj- u komparativnom menadžmentu ljudskih resursa. XV Internacionalni naučni skup SM 2010 Strategijski menadžment i sistemi podrške odlučivanju u strategijskom menadžmentu, Subotica-Palić: Ekonomski fakultet, Srbija, 22. April 2010. ISBN: 867233252-0.
  4. Leković, B., & Štangl Šušnjar, G. (2010). Learning, Education and Development in Comparative Human Resources Management. Strategic Management, 15(4), 53-74.
  5. Leković, B., & Štangl Šušnjar, G. (2010). Obuka i razvoj karijere u komparativnom menadžmentu ljudskih resursa zemalja Istočne Evrope. Anali Ekonomskog fakulteta u Subotici, 46(23), 23-35.
  6. Slavić, A., Štangl Šušnjar, G., & Poór, J. (2012). The role of Human resource management in Serbian and Hungarian Companies: results from the Cranet 2008/9 survey. 11th World Congress of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management. Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Ireland, 26th-29th June 2012. (ed.: Morley, M.). University of Limerick, Interesource Group Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-907300-05-9.
  7. Štangl Šušnjar, G., & Slavić, A. (2012). Promene u sistemu kompenzacija u Evropskim kompanijama – na osnovu analize rezultata Cranet istraživanja. XVII Internacionalni naučni skup SM2012 Strategijski menadžment i sistemi podrške odlučivanju u strategijskom menadžmentu, Subotica-Palić: Ekonomski fakultet, 20. april 2012. ISBN: 867233305-5.
  8. Poór, J., Štangl Šušnjar, G., & Slavić, A. (2012). Training practice in Central and Eastern European Companies – based on Cranet research. International Conference on Management of Human Resources 2012. Gödöllő, Hungary, 14-15.06.2012. Proceedings – Volume 1. ISBN: 978-963-269-294-4, str. 133-140.
  9. Poór, J., Štangl Šušnjar, G., Slavić, , & Karoliny, Zs. (2012).Training Practice in Central and Eastern European Companies Based on Cranet Research. (Chapter 3.7).In: Illés, Cs. B. (ed.) SMEs’ Management in the 21st Century – Challenges and Solutions, str. 271-283.Częstochowa:Częstochowa University of Technology. ISBN 978-83-63500-16-0.
  10. Kazlauskaite, R., Buciuniene, I., Poór, J., Karoliny, Zs., Alas, R., Kohont A., & Szlávicz Á. (2013).Human Resource Management in the Central and Eastern European Region. (Chapter 5). In E. Parry, E. Stavrou, & M. Lazarova (Ed.) Global Trends in Human Resource Management, 103-121. Houndmills, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-0-230-35483-8.
  11. Štangl Šušnjar, G., Slavić, A., & Berber, N. (2013). The analysis of human resource outsoursing  in Central and Eastern Europe. Metalurgia International,18(11), 57-61.
  12. Štangl Šušnjar, G., Slavić, A., & Berber, N. (2013). Human resource information systems: trends and advantages. Metalurgia International, 18(Special Issue 8), 222-225.
  13. Psychogios, A., Brewster, C., Missopoulos, F., Kohont, A., Vatchkova, E., & Slavić, A. (2013). Industrial relations in South-Eastern Europe: disaggregating the context. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. Published online: 8th October, 2013.
  14. Slavić, A., & Berber, N. (2013).The role of human resource information systems in EU based on Cranet research. Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies, University of Novi Sad, Technical Faculty Mihajlo Pupin, Zrenjanin, Serbia, 25th October 2013. ISBN:978-86-7672-211-2, str. 283-243.
  15. Slavić, A., & Berber, N. (2013). Strategic human resource management at small and medium-sized enterprises in Serbia. 11th International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking MEB 2013, Budapest, Hungary, 31.05.-01.06.2013. ISBN: 978-615-5018-59-9, str. 93-101.
  16. Slavić A., & Berber, N. (2013). The role of information systems in human resource management in Serbia, III International Symposioum Engineering management and Competitiveness (EMC2013), Zrenjanin-Serbia, 21-22.06.2013.ISBN: 978-86-7672-202-0, str. 434-439.
  17. Berber, N. (2013). Povezanost menadžmenta ljudskih resursa i korporativne društvene odgovornosti. XVIII Internacionalni naučni skup SM 2013 Strategijski menadžment i sistemi podrške odlučivanju u strategijskom menadžmentu, Subotica: Ekonomski fakultet, 18. April 2013. ISBN 978-7233-329-9, str. 1024-1036.
  18. Berber, N., & Štangl Šušnjar, G. (2013). Comparative analysis of workers compensations in Serbia and Central-Eastern Europe Countries. International Conference: Managerial Challenges of the Contemporary Society, Romania, Cluj Napoca, 7-8 June 2013. ISSN: 2069-4229, str. 25-30.
  19. Svetlik I., Barišić A.F., Kohont A., Petković M., Mirić A.A., Slavić A., Vaupot Z., Poór J. (2010). Human Resource Management in he Countries oft he Former Yugoslavia. Review of International Comparative Management, Bucharest, Romania, 11/5, 807-833. ISSN: 1582-3458
  20. Šušnjar Š. G., & Slavić A., (2012). Changes in the HR compensation systems of European companies – Based on Cranet research analysis. Strategic Management, 17(4), 32-40. ISBN: 1821-3448.
  21. Slavić A., Berber N. & Leković B. (2014). Performance Management in International Human Resource Management: Evidence from the CEE Region. Serbian Journal of Management, 9/1. ISSN (online): 2217-7159, ISSN (print): 1452-4864
  22. Berber, N., Štangl Šušnjar, G., Slavić, A., & Baošić, M. (2014). Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Resource Management-As New Management Concepts - in Central and Eastern Europe. Engineering Economics, 25(3), 360-369.
  23. Slavić, A., & Berber, N. (2014). The Impact of Training on Organizational Outcomes in the CEE Region - Focus on Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia and Slovakia, 155-168. In: Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking In the 21st Century. Hungary: Obuda University.
  24. Leković, B., & Berber, N. (2014). The Relationship Between Communication Practice and Organizational Performances in Organizations from Europe. Industrija, 42(3), 101-114.
  25. Štangl Šušnjar, G., & Berber, N. (2014). Incentive pay and performances of organizations: a research on the basis of the Cranet data in Europe. Anali Ekonomskog fakulteta u Subotici, 50(32), 73-88.
  26. Slavić, A., & Berber, N. (2015). The Role of HRM in CSR and Sustainable Development: Findings from V4 Countries and Serbia. International scientific conference Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Resource Management in V4 Countries. Nitra: Slovak University of Agriculture, June 4-5, str.43-51.
  27. Morley, M.J. Slavić, A., Poor, J., & Berber, N. (2016). Training practices and organisational performance: A comparative analysis of domestic and international market oriented Organisations in Central & Eastern Europe. Journal of East European Management Studies, 21(3), 1-27.
  28. Berber, N., & Slavic, A. (2016). Human Resource (HR) Outsourcing in European Compensation Management in the Light of CRANET Research. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 13(3), str. 207-225.
  29. Slavić, A., & Berber, N. (2016). The evolution of HRM in Serbia: the analysis based on two successive Cranet researches. 8th International Conference: An Enterprise Odyssey: Saving the Sinking Ship Through Human Capital. Zagreb: Faculty of Economics and Business, str. 281-290.
  30. Stangl Susnjar, G., Slavic, A., Berber, N., & Lekovic, B. (2016). The Role of Human Resource Management in Small and Medium Sized Companies in Central-Eastern Europe, pp. 205-229. In: J. Ateljevic and J, Trivic (Eds), Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies - Issues, Obstacles and Perspectives. Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
  31. Slavic, A., & Berber, N. (2016). The Effect of Performance-based Rewards on Organizations’ Outcomes in Serbia: Evidence from Cranet Research 2015. Proceedings of 16th International Joint Conference Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment, May 27, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic and Bratislava, Slovakia, str. 327-337.
  32. Berber, N., Morley, M. J., Slavić, A., & Poor, J. (2017). Management compensation systems in Central and Eastern Europe: a comparative analysis. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(12), 1661-1689.
  33. Berber, N., & Lekovic, B. (2018). The impact of HR development on innovative performances in Central and Eastern European countries. Employee Relations, 40(5), 762-786.
  34. Berber, N., Đorđević, B., & Milanović, S. (2018). Electronic human resource management (e-HRM): A new concept for digital age. Strategic Management, 23(2), 22-32.
  35. Berber, N., & Slavić, A. (2016). HRM in private and public organizations in Serbia. Journal of Engineering Management and Competitiveness (JEMC), 6(2), 75-83.
  36. Szabó, S., Slavić, A., & Berber, N. (2019). Coaching and its effects on individual and organizational performances in Central and Eastern Europe. Anali Ekonomskog fakulteta u Subotici, 41, 67-80.
  37. Berber, N., Slavić, A., & Leković, B. (2019). A research on the socially responsible human resource management in Serbia. Škola biznisa, 1, 69-85.
  38. Poór, J., Slavić, A., Katalin, T., Berber, N., Kerekes, K., & Karoliny, Z. (2020). Benchmarking in human resource management in focus of Central and Eastern Europe in the light of CRANET Strategic Management, 25(1), 21-28.
  39. Slavić, A., Bjekić, R., & Berber, N. (2017). The role of the internet and social networks in recruitment and selection process. Strategic Management, 22(3), 36-43.
  40. Slavić, A., & Berber, N. (2019). The role of training practice in improving organizational performance in selected countries of the Danube region. Engineering Economics, 30(1), 81-93.
  41. Katić, I., Berber, N., Slavić, A., & Ivanišević, A. (2020). The relations between investment in employees' development and organizational productivity and service quality. Tehnički vjesnik, 27(4), 1077-1083.
  42. Poór, J., Engle, A. D., Kovács, I. É., Morley, M. J., Kerekes, K., Slavic, A., ... & Abdrazakova, A. (2020). Multinationals and the evolving contours of their human management practices in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Employee Relations, 42(3), 582-608.
  43. Berber, N., Slavic, A., Strugar Jelača, M., & Bjekić, R. (2020). The effects of market economy type on the training practice differences in the Central Eastern European region. Employee Relations: The International Journal, 42(4), 971-998.
  44. Berber, N., Slavić, A., Gašić, D., & Aleksić, M. (2022). The development of the human resource management in Serbia in the light of Cranet research 2021. In 27th International Scientific Conference Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management SM (pp. 99-106).
  45. Ćurčić, N., Berber, N., Slavić, A., & Harmat, P. (2020). Efekti strategije smanjenja na percipirani kvalitet usluga. Teme: časopis za društvenu teoriju i praksu, 44(3), 947-967.
  46. Gašić, D., & Berber, N. (2022). The practice of financial participation in corporations in the CEE countries. Ekonomika, 68(3), 13-28.
  47. Berber, N. (2022). THE PRACTICE OF STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN SERBIA: THE RESULTS FROM CRANET 2021. An international serial publication for theory and practice of Management Science, 66.
  48. Berber, N., Marić, S., & Gašić, D. (2022). CHANGES IN THE EMPLOYEES’PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN SERBIA IN THE LIGHT OF THE CRANET RESEARCH FROM 2008 TO 2021. In 3rd Ferenc Farkas International Scientific Conference: Management Revolutions”: Conference Proceedings 3. (p. 10).
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