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Transferable Cluster
Policies in the South East Europe Region
Predrag Matkovic, University
of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics Subotica
Pere Tumbas, University of Novi Sad, Faculty
of Economics Subotica
Marton Sakal, University of Novi Sad,
Faculty of Economics Subotica
Tiberiu Diaconescu, Institute of Economic
Forecasting, Bucharest, Romania
Presence of a multitude of regulations in
the area of cluster policies in EU member
countries has not resulted in the expected
outcomes. The degree of cluster development
is exceedingly uneven among some European
countries, as is the perception of their
role and their importance in social and
economic development of the EU and its
member states. While clusters are recognized
as agents of innovations for small and
medium sized enterprises in some countries,
cluster development is still in its infancy
in other. What is recognized as the
principal cause for unbalanced development
are cluster policies, which however at the
same time carry the potential for initiating
future cluster development. Owing to the
above mentioned differences in the
perception and role of clusters in different
EU countries, the research that this paper
is based on started from interpreting
cluster policies as a set of different
regulations adopted in order to strengthen
existing clusters and create a positive
environment for developing new ones. Cluster
policies can concern various areas, but in
this analysis are treated with regard to the
following six thematic areas: Research &
development and innovation; Sustainability;
Internationalization, cooperation and
networking; Financing; Regional smart
specialization; and New skills and jobs
creation. The research problem of this paper
is associated with the necessity for
providing a strong basis for discovering
transferable components of cluster policies
thru identification and analysis of
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats of regional cluster policies in
South-East Europe (SEE) region. The data on
regional cluster policies was gathered from
relevant stakeholders in 10 countries of the
specified region. The research itself was
conducted by use of the modified SWOT
method. A data gathering software solution
was developed to facilitate the process and
assure that the obtained data is more
suitable for further analysis. The software
solution was accompanied by a template
defining the standards that the respondents
observed while preparing their replies.
Based on the gathered SWOT analyses of 28
respondents from SEE region, authors
completed a regional quantitative and
qualitative analysis of the cluster
policies, and established the basis for
regional learning and transfer of positive
experiences in the region, which should
stimulate development of clusters in the SEE
area as the place of innovation.
Keywords: Cluster policies, positive
experience, South East Europe region, SWOT
Transferable Cluster Policies in the South
East Europe Region
(.pdf, 152 KB)
Inovacije I preduzetništvo
Prof. dr Dušan Bobera
Nije potrebno gledati mnogo unapred da bi se
suočili sa imperativom inoviranja. On pred
nas iskače iz mnoštva definisanih i
proklamovanih izjava o misiji, viziji,
strategiji i sl. Zajedničko svima njima je,
pored ostalog, isticanje značaja intenziteta
važnosti koju inovacije imaju za „naše“
kupce/potrošače1, „naše“ akcionare, „naše“
poslovanje, i što je najvažnije za dugoročni
opstanak preduzeća kroz njegov rast i
razvoj. Premda se značaj inovacija ističe u
svim propagandnim kampanjama one nisu samo
marketinški hit. Inovacije generišu značajne
razlike u svim organizacijama nezavisno o
njihovom obliku i veličini. Radi se o veoma
jednostavnoj logici I imperativu vremena i
ambijenta u kojem preduzeća ostvaruju svoju
misiju. Ovo ostvarenje je moguće opisati kao
opasan rizik za dalji opstanak kojem se
izlažu preduzeća koja ne uspevaju menjati
ono što nude tržištu (manifestovanog u
proizvodima ili uslugama) ili način na koji
to stvaraju. Ovaj rizik proističe iz
činjenice da postoje preduzeća koja će to
biti u stanju uraditi U tom kontekstu treba
navesti razmišljanja Natana Mirvolda,
potpredsednika Microsofta, koji kaže da bez
obzira koliko dobar proizvod imate preostaje
vam samo 18 meseci da ga sami obezvredite
novim proizvodom. Ukoliko to ne učinite vi
sami učiniće konkurencija. Slično tome, Andy
Groves, jedan od osnivača Intela, kaže da
samo paranoici preživljavaju. (…)
Inovacije I preduzetništvo
(.pdf, 190 KB)
Implementacija i profitabilna eksploatacija
uspešne inovacije
Prof. dr Dušan Bobera
Tehnologija, koja je sve donedavno smatrana
rezidualnim faktorom pri objašnjavanju rasta
outputa, univerzalno je prihvaćena kao
fundamentalno sredstvo ekonomskog rasta i
razvoja. S druge strane, tehnologija je i
determinanta evolucije međunarodnih
ekonomskih odnosa usled neujednačenog
rasporeda tehnološkog razvoja. Tehnologija
je postala integralna komponenta
fundamentalnih pitanja koja se analiziraju i
o kojima se pregovara, a međunarodni kod
ponašanja pri transferu tehnologije pre je
potreban zemljama u razvoju i nerazvijenim
zemljama. Trgovačka konkurentnost i uloga
tehnološke inovacije i tehnološkog transfera
dobijaju posebno na značaju.
Kraći vremenski razmaci između sukcesivnih
inovacija učinili su ljude svesnim uticaja
tehnologije, a donosioce odluka podstakli da
pretpostavljaju buduće efekte progresa u
različitim oblastima. S druge strane,
komparativna prednost se može stvoriti uz
pomoć znanja, akumuliranog i generisanog u
pojedinim preduzećima jedne zemlje,
podsticanog inovacijom. Priroda inovacije i
promene koje ona izaziva u preduzeću,
relevantnost ključne tehnologije na
konkurentnost i uticaj nacionalnog okruženja
na tehnološku inovaciju, bitno je za uspeh
ekonomija u tranzicij. (…)
Implementacija i profitabilna eksploatacija
uspešne inovacije
(.pdf, 280 KB)
Kreiranje ambijenta i
uslova za efektivnu inovaciju
Prof. dr Dušan Bobera
Visok i konstantno rastući stepen inovacija
proizvoda i procesa predstavlja jednu od
bitnih karakteristika savremenog poslovnog
ambijenta na kojem preduzeća trebaju da
ostvare svoj dugoročni opstanak kroz rast i
razvoj. Tempo rasta stope inovacija
predstavlja trend prisutan u svim
tehnologijama, kako onim visokim tako i u
zrelim. Ovo nas navodi na zaključak da
inovacije nisu nekakav događaj koji se
negde, nekada, slučajno, dogodi ili ne
dogodi. Naprotiv, reč je o procesu njihovog
nastanka koji se mora predviđati, planirati,
organizovati, voditi, nadgledati i čiji se
tok i ishod mora kontrolisati. Ovako shvaćen
proces ne dozvoljava, i čini ga pogrešnim,
zaključak da su neka preduzeća „rođena“ sa
sposobnošću kreiranja i eksploatacije
inovacija. Reč je o procesu učenja
organizacije kako da ovaj proces razvijaju
tokom vremena. Na prethodnim stranama je
bilo reči o modalitetima prikupljanja i
akumulacije resursa koji vode ka uspešnoj
inovaciji. Ono što je bitno naglasiti, kada
je o kreiranju povoljnog inovacionog
ambijenta u organizaciji reč, je neophodnost
spremnosti organizacije da na inovacioni
proces ne gleda kao na lutriju već kao na
kontinuiranu aktivnost koja se može i mora
unapređivati. (…)
Kreiranje ambijenta i uslova za efektivnu
(.pdf, 174 KB)
Barriers to Innovation in
AP Vojvodina: Analysis of Data and Research
Findings from the Aspect of Age and Gender
Dušan Bobera, PhD
Bojan Leković, M.Sc
The purpose of this paper is to explore the
barriers that inhibit the development of
innovation and innovative culture within
enterprises in AP Vojvodina as a north part
of Republic of Serbia. A study was conducted
to explore and define the barriers to
innovation perceived by entrepreneurs with
special direction on three groups of
barriers: organizational, formal and
informal. The questionnaire that was created
for the purpose of this analysis and
research consists of 24 questions covering
up three groups of barriers to innovation.
The survey was designed to capture
information on the perceived barriers from
the aspect of age and gender of
entrepreneurs. Data collected are processed
using the software package for statistical
analysis -SPSS. Specifically, independent
samples T-test were used to explore
differences between these two groups of
Keywords: Barriers, Entrepreneurship,
SME’s, Innovation
Barriers to Innovation in AP Vojvodina:
Analysis of Data and Research Findings from
the Aspect of Age and Gender
(.pdf, 282 KB)
Barriers to Innovation in
Northern Backa County
Dušan Bobera, PhD
The goal of this study is to explore and
define the barriers to innovation perceived
by entrepreneurs in Northern-Backa region.
Therefore, this study identifies the most
significant barriers that have strong,
negative influence on a process of creating
a healthy, competitive entrepreneurship
environment for development of innovation. A
study was conducted to identify the main
barriers to innovation with special
direction to three areas of barriers:
organizational, formal and informal
barriers. An online questionnare that was
created for the purpose of this analysis and
research consists of 24 questions covering
up 3 groups of barriers to innovation. In
total, 26 entrepreneurs from the
Northern-backa region completed the
abovementioned questionnare. The survey was
designed to capture information on the
perceived barriers in entrepreneur business
from the aspect of age and gender of
entrepreneurs. Data collected are processed
using the software package for statistical
analysis -SPSS. Specificely, Mann-Whitney’s
test was used to explore differences between
these two groups of entrepreneurs.
Keywords: Barriers, Entrepreneurship,
SME’s, Innovation
Barriers to Innovation in Northern Backa
(.pdf, 380 KB)
Comparative Analysis of
Entrepreneurship Obstacles: Findings from
Serbia And Montenegro
Dušan Bobera, PhD
Entrepreneurship is the best reflected in
the areas that provide the most innovative
possibilities and opportunities. Since it
implies risk, uncertainty and creativity, it
is important to analyze many obstacles that
can harm the process so that those could be
avoided or minimized. The purpose of this
paper was to explore the barriers that
inhibit the development of entrepreneurship
in Republic of Serbia, in comparison with
the Republic of Montenegro.
A comparative analysis was conducted to
identify the main barriers to
entrepreneurship in these two regions, with
special direction to three areas of
barriers. An online questionnaire was used
to identify the level of awareness of these
barriers among entrepreneurs in target
areas, as part of the larger study. An
online questionnaire consisting of 15
questions, divided in 3 areas, was designed
in Google questionnaire, an open source
based survey tool. The survey was designed
to capture information on the perceived
barriers in entrepreneur business from the
several aspects. Questionnaire was filed by
182 entrepreneur companies in both
countries. Data analysis was made through
the SPSS program for statistical analysis.
There have been used statistical techniques:
descriptive statistics, ANOVA test, t-test
of independent samples.
The aim of this research is to identify the
most important obstacles in establishing and
developing the entrepreneurial business in
Serbia and Montenegro. Paper was divided in
three parts. First, authors made a short
theoretical overview on the literature of
entrepreneurial process and barriers related
to the Serbia and Montenegro. Second part
was dedicated to the presentation of
methodology used for the analysis of
obtained sample of entrepreneurial
companies. Third part was consisted from
result discussion and some authors’ remarks
for the future research and position of
entrepreneurs in Serbia and Montenegro.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, barriers,
human resources, subjective circumstances,
fiscal burdens
Comparative Analysis of Entrepreneurship
Obstacles: Findings from Serbia And
(.pdf, 540 KB)
Impact of Clusters on
University-Industry Interaction
Pere Tumbas, University of Novi Sad,
Faculty of Economics Subotica(SERBIA)
Aleš Lipnik, University of Novi Sad, Faculty
of Economics Subotica (SERBIA)
Predrag Matkovic, University of Novi Sad,
Faculty of Economics Subotica (SERBIA)
Marton Sakal, University of Primorska,
Science and Research Centre, Koper
The South East Europe Transnational
Programme project “Smarter Cluster Policies
for South East Europe”, (ClusterPoliSEE) is
being implemented in the period from 2012
till 2014. The project's main objective is
to enhance the capacity of regional policy
makers to develop smart specialization
strategies for cluster improvement. 25
project partners cover 11 different SEE
programme countries to develop smarter
cluster policies supporting territorial
cohesion, research and development and open
innovation systems in the SEE region. The
work plan spans six cross-cluster
development areas: Innovation, R&D driven
cluster development; Sustainability through
cluster development; International cluster
cooperation and networking; Financial
framework improvement; Cluster and regional
specialization and New skills and jobs
creation. The key milestones in this project
are to: (a) set up a collaborative ICT
platform as a learning mechanism systems for
partnership and relevant stakeholders aimed
at improving SEE cluster policies through
cooperative learning, policy transfer and
information exchange between them; (b)
provide an in-depth assessment of the
regional cluster policies in the partners
countries; (c) identify factors, tools,
experiences, and best practices related to
the six thematic areas; and (d) strengthen
support to transnational cooperation for
designing new strategies for project results
sustainability and as contribution to
support the South East Europe region as the
place of innovation. This article presents a
Triple Helix concept, with particular
reference to the roles of the constituents
of this concept – university, industry and
government – in the implementation of the
innovation system. It also presents the
possible avenues of their interaction,
pointing out individual categories of
intermediaries, which play a particularly
significant role. A quantitative and
qualitative analysis of clusters and cluster
policies in the region was conducted based
on the data gathered by means of SWOT
analysis and a questionnaire on the
ClusterPoliSEE project, in order to
establish the impact of clusters on
university-industry interaction. These
initial theoretical and empirical analysis
activities served as a foundation for
identifying activities that need improvement
so as to raise the importance of clusters in
the further development of
university-industry cooperation.
Keywords: clusters, university,
triple helix, interaction
Impact of Clusters on University-Industry
(.pdf, 256 KB)
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University of Novi Sad
Faculty of Economics Subotica
Segedinski put 9-11, 24000
Subotica, Serbia
Contact person:
Mr. Veselin Pavlicevic
00381 24 628 214